Future is Behind
Future is Behind
Future is Behind
Future is Behind
Future is Behind
Future is Behind

Future is Behind

shoes, poro-elastic material, various dimensions

In many cultures, the concept of time is represented in a linear way. The past lies behind us, the future in front of us. For instance, people often make a waving gesture in front of themselves when talking about events that are yet to come. Languages such as Aymara and Quechua, which are spoken in and around the Andes Mountains, are an exception. In these, you gesture over your shoulder to indicate a moment that is still to come. There is a logic to this: after all, you cannot look into the future. These shoes, the soles of which have been placed back to front, reflect this perception of time, in which the future lies behind you. Thanks to a collaboration with master shoemaker Nils Kalf, you can actually walk in them.

Courtesy: Upstream Gallery Amsterdam, in memory of Nils Kalf 

Photo: Gert-Jan van Rooij