Digital Dust II
Digital Dust II
Digital Dust II
Digital Dust II

Digital Dust II

shredded, melted and pressed electronic waste and production waste from Joris Laarman, 90 × 70 cm

“As a follow up of the Digital Dust series, Nuyten dove even further into the world of swiping, 3D printing and wastage. For this new body of work Nuyten archived the traces one leaves behind while swiping on a screen of an iPad in landscape mode.

Together with circular company vanPlestik, Nuyten not only used e-waste, but also shredded, melted and 3D-printed production waste of Dutch designers, like Joris Laarman. Concerned with the art- and design industry’s wastage, the work can be seen as a proposal for a circular economy in which colleagues manifest their concepts with (rejected) production. Flirting with the characteristics of Dutch Design - humoristic, simple, re-use - conceptually there is a Laarman chair hanging on the wall.” Press release Upstream Gallery Amsterdam.

Courtesy:Upstream Gallery AmsterdamvanPlestik and Joris Laarman Lab

Photo: Gert-Jan van Rooij

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