All work and content © by NN+
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Upstream Gallery Amsterdam:
Website credits
Graphic Design: Michiel Teeuw
Programming: Marie Madonna
Typeface: Owners Text
Text: Marian Cousijn
Text editing: Ciska Ulug
Initial Website: Harald den Breejen
Pan Vanitcharoenthum
Generously supported by Mondriaan Fonds

Special thanks to everyone who thought with us along the way and supporting the practice a.o.:
Upstream Gallery Amsterdam, Nieck de Bruyn, Anne de Jong, Sterre Brands, Gert-Jan van Rooij, Judith Spijksma, Thomas Nuijten, Marian Cousijn, Danielle van Zuylen, Stefania Petroula, Marie de Bruyn, Sjoerd van Leeuwen, Harald den Breejen, Marnie Slater, Clare Noonan, Pien, Ciska & Valentijn, Carolien, Seppe & Lou, Han Jansen, Nils Kalf, vanPlestik, Nout Kooij, Klokkendokter, Society of Psychoanalytics and Philosophy, Rijksakademie, KNAW, HISK and all supportive peers, Plancius Art Collection, Sanders Collection, Normec-group, NN-Collection, Rijksoverheid collection, all private collections, NFF, Mondriandfund, AFK, Vrije Vrouwe van Renswoude, Hendrik Muller's Vaderlandsch Fonds, Art Academy Minerva + teachers and colleagues, Roy Kooymans †, Cosmicomics, Italo Calvino, Flatland a romance in many dimensions, Ursula le Guin, Octavia Butler, Stanley Brouwn, climbing, tahini, sea, sun, my great friends, Αθήνα & φίλοι μου, Kees & Annelies.