A Body’s Time
A Body’s Time

A Body’s Time

private piece, instant composition, performer

People often move to the beat of the external rhythm of music or of a metre. In this work, based on the thought that every body has an internal rhythm, a performer slowly improvises to the rhythm of their heartbeat. Thus, the private rhythm converges with the external rhythm that is visible to others. The participating visitors are invited to feel their own heartbeat on the inside of their wrist. While watching the performance, they concentrate on the pace of their own heart. In order to develop this performance, Nuyten spent a year experimenting together with a movement practitioner.

Commissioned by ICA Richmond 

Performers: Ching-I Chang Bigelow and Stefania Petroula

Courtesy: Upstream Gallery Amsterdam

Photo: Gert-Jan van Rooij

a.o. Sanders Collection