A 0°C Globe
frozen water, globe mount, plaster, Ø 16 cm (globe), 6 × 120 × 80 cm (platform)
This globe doesn’t contain geographical data, but consists of a solid sphere of frozen water. As soon as it is taken out of the freezer to be exhibited, the melting process begins, and the original shape of the perfect sphere disappears. After a while – usually a few hours – the sphere drops out of its mount of its own accord. The meltwater is absorbed by the plaster platform. Nuyten developed the concept in relation to language, based on the idea that the work is only intact in its title. In addition, it emphasises the vulnerability of the Earth in times of climate change. Aspects of this installation refer to the work of Roy Kooymans, a visual artist who died young and who was a friend of Nuyten.
Courtesy: Upstream Gallery Amsterdam
Photo: Gert-Jan van Rooij